Professional service of automatic doors
We specialize in professional service of automatic doors, aluminum glazed structures (windows, doors, … ) and door systems. With years of experience in the industry, we have become a trusted partner for the maintenance, repair and upgrading of these key elements of your building. Our teams of qualified technicians are trained to work with a wide range of makes and models, whether it’s automatic sliding and revolving doors, aluminium glazed windows and doors or door systems. Our aim is to not only ensure the smooth operation of these devices, but also to increase their longevity and improve the overall security of your property.

Company profile ATECH Assistance, s.r.o.
We have been operating on the Czech market for 15 years. We are a leading, strictly servicing company servicing automatic doors, non-fire and fire-resistant aluminum glazed structures (windows, doors), door systems of all available brands. Our service network is geographically configured to be able to respond optimally to the immediate requirements of our customers, who are available seven days a week, 24 hours a day via an express service line.
Our idea is to enable our customers to easily access and centralize the servicing of a portfolio of different brands of equipment with maximum cost-effectiveness through service programs. From mandatory warranty inspections during the warranty period, preventive maintenance, we carry out all repairs and replacements, including the implementation of complete renovations of entrances and entrances with the presence of these devices.
We believe that your experience with our services will be a testament to the professionalism of our company and our staff.
yours ATECH Assistance, s.r.o.
We service and maintain the following commodities
Automatic doors
sliding, telescopic sliding, arched, folding and automatic operators on revolving doors, also in fireproof design
Automatic door operators
single or double swing doors
Aluminium glazed structures
Aluminium glazed structures
Door systems
sectional, folding, sliding, also in fire-resistant design

ATECH Assistance s.r.o. is looking for a suitable candidate for HPP/ŽL, to fill the position:
“Service technician” for Northeast Bohemia – Liberec, Vysočina, West and Southwest Bohemia – Pilsen, South Bohemia, Prague and Central Bohemia.
Qualification requirements:
- min. teaching certificate in electrical engineering
- driving licence of group. B
- PC user knowledge
- experience in the field of automatic doors and door systems or similar fields of automatic technology welcome
- ability to work independently and flexibly in time
Please direct your questions and offers to:
Company details
ATECH Assistance, s.r.o.
Rohoznice 102
533 41 Rohoznice
Czech republic
All rights reserved. © ATECH Assistance, s.r.o. 2023. Web design AKO Enterprise